we are ready for a new year of events!

we are ready for a new year of events!

Event overview

We are ready for all of the events for 2023!

After all the events of last year we are very excited to organise all sorts of events for Competa IT'ers!

At Competa IT we strive to organize monthly events for all our Competa colleagues. These can be in-house events such as MeetUps or the pub quiz, but also external events such as Active day, our annual beach barbecue and of course our annual Christmas dinner.

To find out what everyone thought of last year's events and what they wanted to do this year, we conducted an internal survey to collect information. Based on this information, the different types of activities are planned in the 2023 Events Calendar.

The events are also a monthly contact moment for colleagues to see each other again and chat. Especially since almost everyone is on a project or works from home, and it therefore changes every day who is in the Competa Office.

stay up to date

Curious about last year's outings such as bowling, karting and the beach event? Check out the videos on our YouTube channel.

Are you thinking: 'wel... that seems fun to do!' Then go to the career page and apply! And hopefully see you soon! 😁

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