helping KLM's BI-team automate

Profile photo Danny (Competa IT)

this is KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines

`KLM werd opgericht op 7 oktober 1919 en is de oudste luchtvaartmaatschappij ter wereld die nog onder haar oorspronkelijke naam opereert. Vanuit thuisbasis Amsterdam voerde de KLM-Groep in 2018 wereldwijd vluchten uit, met een vloot van 214 toestellen. KLM heeft 33.000 medewerkers in dienst. In 2018 genereerde de KLM-Groep meer dan 10 miljard euro aan inkomsten. Met 34,1 miljoen passagiers en 621.000 ton vracht vormen KLM en KLM Cityhopper het hart van de KLM-Groep.`

Source: KLM

a short overview




HTML(5), CSS, SpotFire, Python

Competa IT's Danny at KLM

After returning to Competa IT, Front-ender Danny went on a project at Soulve Innovations in Utrecht. This project was very successful and (therefore) short-lived. This gave him a new challenge via Competa at KLM, where colleague Andrey is also on a project (but in a different department). Danny works at KLM in the Business Intelligence department. Here, data is collected and visualized, so that stakeholders remain informed through visualizations. As a Front-end BI specialist, it is up to Danny to optimize these visualizations. He does this by working with HTML(5), CSS and Python. SpotFire is used to create dashboards. Danny works in a team of several BI specialists. This makes the project fun to work on; the opportunity to share knowledge and learn from other Front-enders. The project also gives Danny extra satisfaction, because he is working on something that directly benefits stakeholders and Business Analysts. Especially at a time when KLM, like other airlines, is struggling with major challenges. That is precisely where data (visualisation) is of crucial importance.

about Front-end dev Danny

Danny is a Front-end developer. He therefore has very good knowledge and skills of HTML(5), CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Python. However, his true passion lies with Angular and that is what he prefers to do. Danny also handles TypeScript and APIs well. Danny is always 100% committed to successfully completing projects. He is therefore determined, decisive and he prefers quality over quantity. Finally, from Competa IT, Danny is very well known and skilled within Scrum/Agile environments.

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Profile picture Wikash (Competa IT)